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Integrate CRM with SALESmanago
Integrate CRM with SALESmanago
Martyna Chmielewska avatar
Written by Martyna Chmielewska
Updated over a week ago

SALESmanago is a modern tool for marketing automation and sales. It allows, among others:

  • sending emails and newletters

  • identify and monitor vistors to multiple websites

  • automate your marketing by setting rules for keeping the system and sending personalized e-mails and SMS

Livespace CRM allows you to integrate with SALESmanago and take advantage of all the advantages of modern CRM and Marketing Automation.

In this article we have described:

Examples of SALESmanago applications

  1. Integrate automatic bidding to match the potential customer’s interest.
    Once the SALESmanago system is deployed, it is possible to analyze the behavior of visitors to the website. By analyzing their behavior, we can define rules for sending e-mails, based on the path the user has taken and preparing message templates. For example, if our potential customer received an email and visited an online store by browsing through specific categories, we could send him or her, a personalized offer within a specific time period, presenting products from those categories that he/she became acquainted with. This significantly increases the effectiveness of open and clickable emails, and a significant increase in sales conversions.

  2. Increase the effectiveness of telemarketing activities by identifying the best customers to contact.
    By registering the behavior of our website users, we can quickly and automatically nominate those customers, who are the most promising and contact them when we know they are considering using the offer. This has a very high impact on the effectiveness of sales activities.

  3. Defining the potential customer’s interest to increase the seller’s efficiency.
    By analyzing the behavior of web users using SalesManago, we can easily define what areas of the offer the potential customer is actually interested in. As a result, telephone contact becomes much more effective – the call can be directed to those areas that the customer is really interested in.

  4. Determining the best time to contact a potential customer (Sales Triggers).
    Contrary to traditional marketing activities, which have a strong linear and statistical approach, the use of SALESmanago allows for targeted and timely action. Instead of sending e-mails and after a few days contacting the customer with the question of whether he or she was familiar with the offer, we can easily identify which moment is the right one to contact. With SALESmanago we can define the specific moments in which to contact the customer. This could be, i.e. visiting a website for additional information or getting a high score for all activities such as site visits, read emails or contacts with a merchant.

  5. Sending welcome messages to visitors of our web site.
    The Marketing Automation system allows you to send welcome messages to people who visited your web site as a result of your mailing campaigns. By sending the first message, you focus primarily on getting the customer interested in your offer and getting them to visit the site. With data from SALESmanago you can send a welcome message after the person has visited you, expanding your offer by referring to the information he or she was familiar with on the site.

  6. A prospect’s education preceding the seller’s direct contact.
    The customer who has visited our service, has filled in the contact form, or registered in the application, very often does not have enough knowledge to actually make a purchase decision. By using SALESmanago, we can send cyclical messages that expand the knowledge of a product or service, thereby moving the education process from a merchant to an automated tool. In this way we reduce costs, increase efficiency, and we are able to realistically assess the effectiveness of ongoing, repetitive actions, so that we can optimize them. Lead Nurturing, also lets you identify those potential customers who are the most likely to buy.

  7. Monitor sales department work by integrating with SALESmanago mailboxes of sales people.
    SALESmanago allows you to integrate emails of your sales teams with the Marketing Automation system. This way, your sales associates can reach all the contacts from the SALESmanago system and their activities are monitored.

  8. Increased operator productivity with SALESmanago mailbox integration and innovative CRM features.
    By sending e-mail through the box integrated with SalesManago system, we automatically monitor customer behavior. The information collected allows you to determine whether the customer is interested in the offer, and which areas are particularly important to him or her. Information collected in this way is available in the SalesManago system, as well as the customer information in Livespace CRM. In this way, we gain a unique knowledge of our customers, allowing us to increase the efficiency of our merchants.

  9. Automatic segmentation of customers into interest groups based on an analysis of their behavior on the website.
    Defined rules in SalesManago allow for effective segmentation of customers, taking into account their behavior and areas of interest. SALESmanago data can be used as a segmentation parameter in Livespace CRM.

Some examples of effects that have been achieved with the use of SalesManago:

  • 300% increase in mail openings and 400% increase in clicks at Rainbow Tours

  • 500% increase in email openings and 2500% increase in clicks at CSEiE

How to integrate Livespace CRM with SALESmanago?

Integrating Livespace CRM and SALESmanago is extremely easy.

  • Find data for integration into SALESmanago. Three parameters are needed to integrate Livespace CRM with SALESmanago:

    • Cutomer ID at SALESmanago

    • Secret API code

    • The email address of the SALESmanago user who owns the contact. To find these parameters, log in to your SALESmanago account and go to the Settings> Integration tab.

There you will find the first two parameters:

The third is the SALESmanago user’s email address to which the contacts are to be assigned. If the contacts are to be assigned to your account, enter your email address to sign in to SALESmanago. Getting the right email address is important when you have a more extensive sales structure and contact details you want to share with just the right people..

  • Provide data in your Livespace CRM.In Livespace CRM, go to Account settings> Integration and add-ons> “SALESmanago”and enter the integration data.Once saved, applications will be integrated.

Integration settings – communication with Livespace to SALESmanago

In the settings section you can define additional communication rules on the Livespace – SALESmanago line.

Automatically save new contacts to SALESmanago – when you add a contact to Livespace it will be automatically added to SALESmanago

Save to SALESmanago only contact with tags – introduces a limitation for automatically adding contacts to SALESmanago. Only contacts that have been tagged with specific tags (with at least one of the tags listed) will be added. Enter the tags you want in the field, separated by commas.

Automatic opt-in after adding a contact – the contact added by Livespace will have the opt-in option selected by default in SALESmanago

Automatic opt-out after removing a contact – a contact removed from Livespace will have an opt-out option in SALESmanago

Integration settings – communication with SALESmanago to Livespace

  • Automatically download new contacts with SALESmanago – after adding a contact to SALESmanago it will be automatically added to Livespace.

  • Retrieve only with contacts from SALESmanago – introduces a limitation for automatically adding contacts to Livespace. Only the contacts that have been tagged will be added. Enter the tags you want in the field, separated by commas.

  • Overwrite data in Livespace with data from SALESmanago (name, phone, email) – ticking the field will cause that if the data in SALESmanago is different from Livespace, the data in Livespace will be updated from SALESmanago data.

Single Import

Synchronization of Livespace data with SALESmanago takes place approximately every hour, but you can also manually import data import. After entering the basic integration data, you will be able to invoke a one-time import using the Import Contacts button from the SALESmanago.

Benefits of integrating Livespace with SALESmanago

By integrating Livespace with SALESmanago, you get unique tracking capabilities for keeping track of your contacts, as well as using advanced marketing automation functionality.

Scoring customers in Livespace CRM

The basic tool is scoring and tags that allow you to judge a person based on rules defined in SALESmanago. As a result of integration there are additional parameters visible in the detailed information about the person:

In addition, the details of the SALESmanago have been placed in the right-hand column of the person’s profile. These are points earned by a person, tags and activity history – the subpages of our application / site visited by that person (including the date and duration of the visit):

Scoring of a company is calculated as the sum of the scales of the individual from this company:

In the right-hand column of the company profile are detailed information – the company’s points broken down by individual employees:

The score from SALESmanago can then be used as a customer segmentation criteria in Livespace CRM

Synchronization of contacts and information Livespace CRM with SALESmanago

By integrating SALESmanago with Livespace CRM, a common base of contacts is ensured in both tools. By adding a contact to Livespace it will automatically be added to SALESmanago. This will allow for:

  • mass mailing via SALESmanago

  • sending personalized emails

  • analyze the behavior of visitors to the website

  • scoring clients base don specific messages

Contacts added to Livespace are automatically (once every few minutes) added to SALESmanago, with the same frequency that information and scoring of people is collected from SALESmanago.

Advanced Integration – event handling

In Livespace it is possible to call specific events based on rules configured in SALESmanago. The actions described in the Event Handling section of Livespace are based on actions in SALESmanago. Each event is invoked for a contact with the email address specified in the parameter.

For example, we can add an entry to the contact panel by email [email protected] or send a notification to the owner of this contact.

You can find information about the action addresses in the Livespace settings, the Integration tab> SALESmanago:

How to call action in Livespace based on rules in SALESmanago?

  1. In the rule settings in SALESmanago add a new action ‘Send alert’ and check the box ‘Add attachment’

  2. In the ‘Attachment text’ field paste the code copied from the Livespace settings,:

  3. Complete the appropriate action parameters as described below for the selected action.

Action description

Notice to Contact Owner: Email / address-email-contact / note / content-notification / hash / abcdefghijEffect: Send a notification to the user who owns the contact

  • email (required) – email address of the contact

  • note (required) – message content

Note on the contact plate:
Effect: Add a note to the contact table

  • email (required) – email address of the contact

  • note (required) – message content

Task for contact owner:
Effect: Add a task associated with the contact and assign it to the contact’s owner

  • email (required) – email address of the contact

  • title (required) – task title

  • note (optional, default none) – job description

  • date (optional, default none) – date of task execution, absolute in YYYY-MM-DD format (2013-05-15) or relative ‘+ 2days’, ‘+ 5months’

Effect: Contact tagging

  • email (required) – contact email address

  • tag (required) – comma separated tags

Change of sales stage:
Effect: mark the action (sub-step) in sales (open only) associated with the contact, and (optional) change the status of the sale.

  • email (required) – email address of the contact

  • stage (required) – action id (subtext), to read in the settings, API tab

  • status (optional) – new sales status (open, won, lost, outdated)

  • process (default, default process) – sales process id, for reading in settings, API tab

  • sort (optional, default after modification date) – attribute, after which we sort the sales to refine the list of modified sales, acceptable values: created (added date), modified (date modified), name

  • order (optional, default descending) – sort order, allowed values: asc (ascending), desc (descending)

  • limit (optional, default 1) – number of sales to be modified, 0 – all meet criteria

… / limit / 1 / order / desc / sort / modified – one sale, one that was last modified
… / limit / 2 / order / asc / sort / created – the two oldest sales will be included

If you need more infomration, please contact us at; [email protected].

Good to Know

  • At the moment SALESmanago allows you to download data owned by a particular user (email address). If you want to import all of the contacts that belong to different users, you can manually enter the email addresses of your users in SALESmanago and use the single import option.

  • If you want Livespace to automatically synchronize all contact data, change the owner of the contact to SALESmanago to the one you are entering in Livespace.

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