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Importing data from a xlsx., ods., or csv file types
Importing data from a xlsx., ods., or csv file types
Martyna Chmielewska avatar
Written by Martyna Chmielewska
Updated over 2 months ago

Livespace CRM allows to import data (for example contacts) from a .csv, .ods and .xls file which are standard Excel worksheets.

In this article, we have described:

How to perform import

  1. Go to the Account settings or Profile settings. Select Import from the left-hand menu.

2.. Press the Import new file button located on the right side of the window.

3. In the window that opens, you can either drag and drop a .csv, .ods or .xls (.xlsx) file with data, or you can simply click the Add a file button.

4. If you decide to go with the latter method, choose your file in the browser window and then press Open.

Select contacts window in browser CRM

5. After the file has been uploaded, you will see the first rows of data from it.

6. Match the rows from the file with the Livespace fields (the fields can belong either to the profiles of persons, companies, or deals).

7. Press on the Start import button to import the contacts from the file.

8. After commencing import, you will see an additional window informing that import is in progress. Once import is done, a popup will be shown in the bottom left side of the screen informing about the result of the imported objects.

From now on, the new data will be available.

Worth knowing:

  • In the case of an unsuccessful import, due to, for example, incorrect field matching or file format, you can UNDO the entire import along with all the imported contacts.

  • If some of the characters in the imported contacts do not display properly in Livespace, this is most likely due to a character encoding problem. In such cases, we advise that you check the encoding of your file and change it to a standard one.

  • The imported file should not exceed 4 MB. If you need to import more data, try splitting the file into several smaller ones.

Advanced import settings

Below the area where mapping of data is done, there are additional advanced import options.

Below is a short description of what they do.

1. When performing an import, you can indicate what happens to the data if duplicates are found in the imported data:

  • Overwrite the data in Livespace with the data form the file - if the contact data in Livespace and in the imported file differ, the data entered in Livespace will be overwritten with those from the file.

  • Update the missing data in Livespace using the data from the file - if some data from the file is missing in Livespace, it will be completed in the imported contacts.

  • Force adding new elements (duplicates may appear in Livespace)- a new contact will be created in Livespace containing data from the file

  • Skip the data form the file- new object data will be ignored during import.

2. Add Tags option:

Adding tags here will add the tags entered here to the imported objects (companies, people, deals).

3. Assign to group / set the source:

These options allow you to properly assign imported objects to a specific group or assign them to a specific acquisition source.

Since within object mapping you can also choose to assign to a group and/or acquisition source based on data from an Excel file, these functions are only realistically useful if the group or acquisition source is the same for all imported objects, and the data has not been previously included in the file that is the basis for the data import.

4. Set the visibility of newly added contacts and deals and assign them to the right users option:

The above options allow you to set:

  • Visibility - If it is possible to give objects different Visibility within the configured Livespace settings, this option allows you to decide with which Visibility the objects are to be imported.

  • Owner - Here you can select who is to be the Owner of the imported objects. If the appropriate mapping of different Owners to objects is carried out within the imported file, leave the field blank here (so that the Owner is not selected here, and is assigned based on the mapping from the file).

  • Member - Applies to Private and Hidden visibility. Allows you to decide who will be immediately assigned to imported objects as Member.

You can read more on Visibility settings here.

Rules for merging data with existing data in CRM

If your account already has previously added contacts and deals, performing an import of similar data may cause a conflict. Read how Livespace recognizes duplicates when importing.

Matching rules for companies

  1. By Tax ID number - if the imported file contains a company with a Tax ID number assigned to an existing contact in Livespace, the contact will be matched first by this number.

  2. By Regon number - if the contact has not been matched by the Tax ID number, it will be matched if the Regon number matches.

  3. By Company Name - if the contact was not matched by the Tax ID and Regon number, it will be matched if the company name in the imported file matches the name of the contact in Livespace.

Matching rules for persons

Where a person has been assigned to a company:

  • By name, surname and company name - all three characteristics must be given and must be consistent

Where a person has not been assigned to a company:

  • By first name, last name and contact details - all telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses on file will be taken into account and the contact will be matched to the person with the highest data match.


  • Name and surname must be consistent

  • Importing person only by name and surname will create duplicates, even if name and surname of imported contact matches name and surname of contacts in Livespace

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