By using RSS feeds you can be informed what is new in your Livespace by any RSS reader – computer, mobile phone or tablet.
RSS feeds in Livespace
1. Notifications
Notification is a channel that displays all the activities about which Livespace informs you in the upper right corner. This information may be related to:
assigned tasks
performing the assigned task by another person
the necessity to refill the contact details for the new contact
adding a comment to the discussion in which you participate
“liking” your post
Every new Livespace event that is linked to you and appears in the upper right corner will be also sent to your e–mail address.
To find the RSS address:
2. Tasks
RSS channel with Tasks are available in Calendar and tasks tab:
Go to Profile Settings
Open Calendar and tasks tab
Click on Download an RSS or iCal file
You can save a link to all of your tasks in an RSS format
Or click on Add new configuration in order to choose only some of the tasks
How can I use RSS feeds?
Copy the RSS feed address (right click on a link to the RSS feed and select Copy link address) and then paste it into your RSS reader. This may be, for example:
MS Outlook application, Google Reader or any other RSS reader. In order to add RSS feed to Outlook, go to the Account settings tab and choose RSS sources. Then, choose New and paste the copied link to the RSS feed. From now all the information will appear in your Outlook.
Mobile devices – you can also view your tasks and notifications from Livespace on the mobile devices, using any RSS reader.
From that moment on you will have all the current information from Livespace CRM in your mobile RSS reader. Just remember not to share your RSS feed address to any third party – reading them does not require being logged in.