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Play's Virtual PBX
Martyna Chmielewska avatar
Written by Martyna Chmielewska
Updated over a week ago

If you have a phone on Play you can take advantage of the integration with Livespace, which will save the calls you have made to your contact board!

Table of contents:

Enabling Livespace integration with Play Virtual PBX

Go to Account Settings-> Integrations and add-ons, locate Play Virtual PBX.

Enter your Client ID* and Clients Secret* - details from Play.

If you are not yet a Play Virtual PBX customer select create an account.


You can set the visibility of the calls (for everybody or for the user performing the action and managers) and decide which ones should appear on the board (all or longer than a certain time).

The next step is to match the phone numbers to users.

It is necessary to assign at least one number in order to trigger integration. Multiple Play numbers can be assigned to a single user.

Once the numbers have been matched, save the settings. The integration will become active.

If the configuration process is interrupted, the application remains in the status 'Configuration'.


Livespace is downloading a call history of 180 days back


Incoming and outgoing calls are synchronized and displayed on the profiles of the assigned objects, the dashboard and the calls list according to the configuration settings.

Call entries contain information about the client, user, call direction and call length.

Call history

The integration allows call history to be automatically added on the contact's profile. If we call a customer or a customer calls us, this information will automatically appear in the customer's contact history as a board entry.

In a similar way to the customer profile, the history of outgoing and incoming telephone calls is presented on each Livespace user's profile.

Call list

The list of all conversations with the numbers of your Livespace users can be found in the Notifications -> Calls.

List of conversations shows the calls from all phone numbers added to Livespace. It also gives you the possibility to quickly filter the conversations, so that you can find only those ones that are really interesting to you. Such calls can be quickly assigned from the list to an existing contact, adding their telephone number at the same time, or a new contact can be created.


Livespace collects call statistics, which can be analysed, for example, by person or in terms of distribution over time. It is also possible to measure an indicator of how many calls are necessary to win a chance.

Targets and Results

Thanks to the fact that call data is recorded in Livespace, it is possible to set a goal related to sales activities. For example, one of its elements may be the number of connections made. You can estimate and define how many calls he should make to maximize the likelihood of implementing the sales plan.


On the dashboard and the contacts and deals, you can quickly filter out call entries.

Client Secret update

For security reasons, Play changes the Client Secret on a rotating basis. When an added integration requires re-authentication, a message to this effect will appear in the list of integrations and in the integration settings.

Go into the integration settings and save the current Client Secret.

Disabling integration

Go to Account Settings-> Integrations and locate Play Virtual PBX.

In the integration settings, select 'Disable integration', then 'Yes, turn off' in the window that appears.

Connections synced until you disable the integration will still be visible in Livespace after you turn it off.

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