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How to collect additional information? Manage forms in Livespace CRM
How to collect additional information? Manage forms in Livespace CRM
Martyna Chmielewska avatar
Written by Martyna Chmielewska
Updated over a week ago

Thinking about providing our clients with the most comprehensive functionality we’ve introduced various methods of collecting and searching for the information, like, for example, groups and tags. Yet we know that these solutions are not always sufficient, so we provide our customers with the possibility to define custom fields via forms and then gathering information in these fields.

In this article we describe:

How do the forms work?

Livespace provides the opportunity to adopt the persons, companies, deals and spaces forms to your own needs. So you can add new fields, as well as reorder them and group into sections. As the result you are able to collect more complete information about your clients – depending on the specifics of their sectors and adopted sales strategies.

Adding new fields to the form

1. Go to the Account settings.


2. From the left menu select Forms and then the category you are interested in.

3. Depending on the category in which you are press Add new field or Add new, then type the name of the new field and select its type and section in which it should be located. In the Additional section, specify details for this field.

The new field together with its properties will be globally imposed on all users that will be able to type in all the information according to your selected type.

Examples of the use of additional fields

The fields you add may be used as parameters by which you can sort and filter your customers. For example, numeric field will be useful if you want to take into account the client’s annual budget on advertising. In turn, the selection list type field is ideal for handling a number of industries. You can add the “What industry?” field and then filter the companies by it.


The use of the additional fields in segmentation

Manually added fields in the forms can be used as further parameters in automatic segmentation of persons and companies. Note, however, that this relates to the numeric fields and selection lists only – there is no possibility to such use for descriptive fields and dates. For more information see the section How to use segmentation

Worth knowing:

  • Choosing a single choice box instead of multiple choice box helps you to maintain the order of the information.

  • Choosing the field type determines what filter will be assigned to the field in the contact or deal list, what results in allowing you to search the information faster and easier.

  • You can also create ‘polls’ with various information about the client, or group different additional fields into sections, for example, such as ‘customer needs’– the user can fill the fields related to the clients’ problems and needs.

Also read:

Manage forms in Livespace CRM

Livespace CRM gives you an opportunity to create your own forms and adjusts them to your needs. You can create a form connected to people, companies, deals, products, spaces, tasks and users as you need. The forms can be expanded, grouped, their order can be changed and they can be grouped into sections. Forms are the best solution to gather information about your clients, their needs, and demands.

In this article we described:

Types of form fields in Livespace CRM

You can choose from 7 types of forms:

  • Text field – if you want to gather short text information, for example: ‘what client likes to do in their free time’ or ‘strong suits’

  • Large text field – if you need to provide more detailed information about the client

  • Numeric data – if you want to gather some numbers concerning the client, for example: ‘yearly budget for ads’

  • Integer – when you want to accumulate numerical values that can only be expressed in whole numbers, for example, “number of employees”

  • Date – if you need to know the exact date in year-month-day format

  • Date and time – when you want to store date and time information in the year-month-day and hour-minutes format

  • Selection field – very useful if you need to mark the client as ‘meets my requirements'

  • Options list (single or multi selection) – useful if you want to have a few options to choose from, for example ‘business: food industry, finance, technology’ or ‘client’s brand: small, popular in my country, global’

Adding form fields to CRM

In order to add a new form:

  1. Go to Account settings

  2. Choose Forms tab, from the left side menu

  3. Choose a category in which you want to create a new form, for example, People or Deals

  4. You can create a new section in which a new field can be added or choose to Add new field in one of the existing sections

  5. You’ll see a new window pop-up, where you can add your form field. Name your field, choose its type and section where it will be displayed. You can also add a description.

  6. After enabling the Visibility and editing of the field depends on the role you can determine which users will be able to see and edit data in this field.

  7. In the Additional section, you can specify additional parameters for the new field. Turning on the Required field option means that without completing this field the user will not be able to save the contact or the deal form.

  8. If you switch on Allow the field to take up the entire width of the window, the length of the new field will match the width of the form.

  9. After activating the Set field in a new line option, the new field will be placed in a new form line.

  10. If you mark the field as Highlighted, it will be visible in addition form without the need to expand it

  11. Click on Add to save your new field

  12. A new field will be added to a correct section, you’ll see it in forms settings

  13. From now on, a new field will be displayed and ready to use in chosen forms and profiles


Editing form fields in CRM

In order to edit form fields in CRM:

  1. Go to Account settings

  2. Choose Forms tab, from the left side menu

  3. Choose a category in which you want to create a new form, for example, People or Deals

  4. Click on Edit feature of the field you want to change

  5. You can edit your form field here

  6. When you’re done click on Save to save the changes

Grouping of features in the options list field in CRM

If you want to effectively use the options list (single or multiple selections), you can divide features into different groups. It is useful when one feature cannot describe the parameter (for example, the industry of your client).

In order to group features in the options list:

  1. Go to Account settings

  2. Choose Forms tab, from the left side menu

  3. Choose a category in which you want to create a new form, for example, People or Deals

  4. Choose Add new field

  5. Choose the type of the field Option list (single or multiple selections).

  6. Name your field and choose the section where it should appear. Then, choose Add group in the upper right corner.

  7. Enter the name of the group and features. After that, drag the features into the desired group.

  8. From now on, a new field will be displayed and ready to use in chosen forms and profiles


Good to know:

  • Default form fields in Livespace (for example first and last name) are blocked and cannot be removed or changed. Their position is permanent as well.

  • Choosing a type of field is connected to filters, thanks to this feature you can browse through your data faster.

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