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How to manage tasks?

Find out where you can have a discussion about the task's progression, post additional materials, and share task with other users.

Martyna Chmielewska avatar
Written by Martyna Chmielewska
Updated over a week ago

In this article you will find information about:

List of tasks

All tasks added to Livespace that you have access to can be found under the Tasks tab. Here you have the option to:

  • filter, e.g. by the responsible user,

  • sorting, e.g. by task start date,

  • select a view, and create your own view to display data,

  • make changes to multiple tasks at the same time using List Operations,

  • exporting the task list to a file,

  • save filters for recurring filtering.

The simple view of the list shows the name of the task, related objects, the person responsible and the due date. The circle on the left indicates the status of the task, and the icon next to the name indicates its type.

Task profile

In most cases, all the information about the task can be found directly in the add/edit task form. However, if a task requires additional, more extensive commentary, it is possible to use the task profile for this purpose.

On the task profile, it is possible, above all, to discuss the progress of the task, its completion and to upload additional material, for example in the form of notes or files.

To open a task profile, click on the task name and then select view task profile.

If you want to go to a repeated task profile, you can edit a single occurrence of the task and then switch to the profile. The profile of repeated task does not excist, so that if you add files or comments, you add them to a specific occurrence of a repeated task, not to the whole cycle.

You can also access the task profile from the calendar tab view:

Share task and calendar

Livespace allows you to share tasks with other users. To enable sharing, go to Profile settings > Calendar and tasks > Share tasks and calendar. Using the change option, you can determine who and what tasks you share.

Administrators and your team managers are automatically granted access to your tasks - there is no way to turn it off.

You can share your tasks and calendar as follows:

  • none – tasks are not shared,

  • free/busy – user does not see the content or title of the task, but only information about your unavailability at the time set for the task,

  • read only – user can see the tasks, but cannot edit them,

  • full access – user can see and edit your tasks,

  • custom settings - you can choose from the previously mentioned ways by tasks type, e.g:

Calendar tab

In the Calendar tab you will find both your tasks and the people who have shared their tasks and calendar with you.

On the left-hand side, you can use filtering by people, type and status (open/done).
You can also use the search for a specific subject.

On the top right, you can select the range of days to display.

Clicking on the calendar tile allows you to add a task from that position.

You can modify the colours of people's calendars by clicking on the dot next to their name in the list.

Clicking on a task displays information about the task, you can navigate to the task's profile and complete the task by selecting the dot in the top left corner.

Tasks on the dashboard

In the Tasks section you will find your current and overdue tasks. Directly in this list, you can mark them as completed and also hide those with a overdue status.

Integrations with external calendars

Depending on the chosen package, you have the option of synchronizing with external Outlook, Gmail and iCal calendars into Livespace.

Detailed comparition of packages you will find in our pricing.

We have described these integrations in separate articles:
One-way iCal integration

More about Tasks you will find in this articles:

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