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How to use tags?
Martyna Chmielewska avatar
Written by Martyna Chmielewska
Updated over a week ago

Tags are a powerful tool. If you use them properly, they will make your work much easier. They are very helpful when it comes to the operations on large amounts of data. Thanks to tags you can organize your information in a flexible way. A characteristic feature of tags is that you do not choose them from lists – you create them when working with data. Their effect can be compared to the labels you attach to the specific elements in Livespace to organize and quickly search through them.

In this article we describe:

Basics of adding tags

Tags can be added individually or several at once (by separating phrases with commas). Tags may contain single words (eg. trainer), as well as more words separated by spaces (eg. training group) or sentences. You can tag the following elements:

  • Companies

  • People

  • Deals

  • Spaces

  • Posts on the Wall

To add a new tag:

  1. Go to the profile of the person, company or deal and press + Tag.

  2. Enter the new tag, confirming it with the Enter key or using Add button. By repeating this operation you can add any number of tags to a given element.


Adding multiple tags to a single element

If you want to add several tags to a single profile at once:

  1. Go to the profile of the contact, company or deal and press + Tag, then type tags and separate them with commas. Click Add.

  2. When added, tags will automatically be separated.


Tagging multiple items

Livespace gives you the possibility to quickly add tags to a large number of elements. To do this:

  1. Go to the tab in which you want to add tags.

  2. Use List operation link located above the list.

  3. Choose elements you want to mass tag, then press Add tags. Remember that you can add multiple tags at once, separating them with commas.


Searching by tags

Tags may be used for finding important information. Clicking on the tag name takes you to the search engine that indicates all the elements with this particular tag. They will be grouped by type – so you’ll see your contacts, deals, spaces, and entries separately. You can click on the tag on a person’s profile, moving to the list of all items marked by the same tag.

If you click on a tag on the list view, it will be added to the filter criteria of a given list.

Filtering using tags

You can also use tags to filter lists. To do this:

  1. Go to the specified list (Contacts, Deals or Spaces).

  2. Expand the Filter menu.

  3. Select the filter option Tags from the list.

  4. When the text box appears, type in a specific tag and confirm with Apply button. As a result, the list will display only those items that have been marked by the given tag.


Using the No tag filter

You can also use so-called negative filter tags called ‘No tag’. If you want to view only those items from the list that do not have a particular tag, use the filter No tags and in the box type the tag which you don’t want to see in your search results.


Exemplary tags

You can create many useful tags to mark the contacts, deals, entries or spaces. Here are some suggestions of tags and their possible use:

  • partner – tag for the contacts you are not buying from, but with whom you have business relations.

  • client – for your present and potential customers.

  • inquiry– for contacts obtained from offer inquiry.

  • direct sales – for contacts you obtained by yourself.

  • important– for contacts that are especially important to you.

  • asap – things that should be done as soon as possible, eg. the emails that require an immediate response.

Worth knowing:

  • On the lists of persons, companies, deals and spaces you can see a cloud of tags presenting most frequently used tags. The size of the tag is proportional to its popularity.

  • When you add a new tag, Livespace will suggest what tags with similar names are already in use.

  • Remember that every time you enter the tag manually, only an identical record means the same tag. So, important client and important clients are different tags, completely unrelated to each other.

  • If you want to impose a certain way of marking contacts for the entire company, it may be better to use Groups rather than Tags.

  • Nothing stands in the way to use tags simultaneously with other filters. You can, for example, restrict the display to the contacts with a particular tag only, which are owned by a particular person.

  • Tags may contain space.

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