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How to avoid duplicates during import of data?
How to avoid duplicates during import of data?
Norbert avatar
Written by Norbert
Updated over a week ago

If there are previously added contacts and deals in your Livespace account before you perform the import, importing similar data may cause a conflict. Check what rules Livespace uses to match objects and recognise duplicates. The following rules not only apply to imports, but also apply when adding objects directly in Livespace.

In this article we described:

Matching rules for companies

By Tax ID number - if the imported file contains a company with a Tax ID number assigned to an existing contact in Livespace, the contact will be matched first by this number

By Regon number - if the contact has not been matched by the Tax ID number, it will be matched if the Regon number matches

By Company Name - if the contact was not matched by the Tax ID and Regon number, it will be matched if the company name in the imported file matches the name of the contact in Livespace

Matching rules for persons

Where a person has been assigned to a company:

  • By name, surname and company name - all three characteristics must be given and must be consistent

Where a person has not been assigned to a company:

  • By first name, last name and contact details - all telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses on file will be taken into account and the contact will be matched to the person with the highest data match.


  • Name and surname must be consistent

  • Importing person only by name and surname will create duplicates, even if name and surname of imported contact matches name and surname of contacts in Livespace

Matching contacts by ID number

To make the search for duplicates even more accurate, it is a good idea to add an object ID number column in the imported file. Each person and company added in Livespace has an individual ID number, which can be exported to create a custom view in the contact list. Objects will be matched if the ID number from the file matches their ID number automatically assigned in Livespace.

Adding Custom ID for newly added contacts during data import

When performing an import, a Custom ID can be assigned for newly added objects, which can later be used to map objects during the import.

In order to be able to add the Custom ID field during the import, the relevant column must be added to the imported file so that this field is mapped accordingly during the import.

The Custom ID field can be very useful in the future if additional data needs to be added to previously imported companies or persons, as with Custom ID you can map objects without having to use matching by nip, regon, or company name. It is then sufficient to map only by Custom ID.

Additional rules for matching objects

  • If several equally good matches are found, the contact added to Livespace earliest will be selected.

  • Feature matching is not case-sensitive, but attention should be paid to spaces and hyphens in the middle of the name.

  • People and companies added in Livespace as possible matches are selected from those to which the user performing the data import has full or basic access (in the case of Private contacts).

  • If the user performing the import does not have permission to edit the contact, the row in the file will be skipped. This rule is applied independently for individuals and companies.

What if a duplicate is found?

When performing an import, you can indicate what happens to the data if duplicates are found in the imported data:

  • Overwrite the data in Livespace with the data form the file - if the contact data in Livespace and in the imported file differ, the data entered in Livespace will be overwritten with those from the file

  • Update the missing data in Livespace using the data from the file - if some data from the file is missing in Livespace, it will be completed in the imported contacts

  • Force adding new elements (duplicates may appear in Livespace)- a new contact will be created in Livespace containing data from the file

  • Skip the data form the file- new object data will be ignored during import

Read also how to prepare the file for import:

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