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Cross filters
Tomasz Grabiński avatar
Written by Tomasz Grabiński
Updated over a week ago

Cross filters are searches using dependencies, including filtering specific people by company attributes, for example, finding companies to which no person is assigned.

Currently, in the Livespace system, you can use this type of filtering with tags in the following way:

  • filter companies according to the desired criteria,

  • add tag,

  • use the company tag as a feature to filter contacts.

Example: Searching for companies to which no person is assigned.

  1. Go to the Contacts -> Persons -> List Operations -> select all people.

2. Add tags to companies

3. Enter a tag here, for our example - To be deleted.

4. Go to the Companies tab -> Filter -> No tags and enter 'To be deleted'.

This is how you filter companies to which no people are assigned, enabling their deletion and cleaning up the database.

After completing the operation, go to Account Settings and delete the tag.

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