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Working with lists in Livespace
Working with lists in Livespace

Learn how to effectively work with lists of contacts, deals, tasks, or spaces

Martyna Chmielewska avatar
Written by Martyna Chmielewska
Updated over a week ago

With the use of lists, you can display large amounts of information in a convenient and organized way. All contacts, tasks, deals, finance and spaces in Livespace may be viewed in the list form. Each list has its own settings, by which you can show only the data you want and need to see – which will translate into better efficiency and speed of your work.

In this article we describe:

List views

You can adjust the view of any list, so the data will be presented in different ways. Altering the view changes also the amount and type of displayed information. Although the types of views are the same regardless of whether the list contains people tasks or spaces, not every list has all available Livespace views – for example, the list of deals has five views option, while the task list provides only two views.

In general, Livespace provides the following list views:

  • Simple– presents basic information such as the name and phone number.

  • Extended – provides some additional information such as the date of last activity.

  • Column – displays information in a spreadsheet-style and allows you to quickly sort them using the active headers.

  • Tiles – shows information as tiles forming a chessboard. In this view, the graphic elements are often accented.

  • Company view used only on the list in the deals tab. It is very similar to the extended view, however, the name of the company (not the deals name) constitutes its most important information. This is useful if you do not enter unique names for deal projects and distinguish them primarily on the basis of the customer.

Creating your own list view

  1. Go to the list on which you want to create a custom view and press the View drop-down menu at the header of the list.

  2. Select an option Create custom view from the extended menu.

3. View settings window will pop up, type a name for the view and move selected items to the field visible under the name. You can also decide if the view should be available only for you of for all employees from your company (Public option).

4. Click on Save to save the new view.

Sorting and filtering information on lists

Elements on Livespace lists may be sorted or filtered. The difference between the two functionalities is that sorting sets all visible items in a list (eg. contacts) according to specified hierarchy depending on what sort option is selected (sorting, for example, can sort items alphabetically). In turn, the filtering hides the list items that do not meet chosen criteria (may, for example, show only the items that begin with the letter ‘A’).

Sorting information on lists

Information on the lists can be sorted for example by name, creation date or date of last activity. Sorting options are different for various lists – for example, the task list has the option of sorting by date of completion, which is unnecessary (and therefore also not available) on the contacts list. You can also sort lists descendingly and ascendingly.

To sort, for example, task list:

  1. Go to the Tasks tab.

  2. Expand the sort menu on the bar (header) of the list.

  3. Select one of the options, such as start date according to priority.

  4. You can also sort the list descendingly or ascendingly. To do this, reopen the sort menu.

  5. Press again on exactly the same option to reverse the sorting (in this case from decreasing to increasing).

  6. The list has been sorted by the new order.

Filtering information on lists

In Livespace you can filter information according to specific criteria, which means that you will see only the data that you want and need to see, and all the rest of information that does not meet your filtering criteria will be hidden.

If you want Livespace to remember your own filter or set of filters in the list – for example, deal’s list:

  1. Go to the Deals tab.

  2. Select Filter option from the list header.

  3. In the case of deals, for example, you can specify that you are interested in open deals with the probability of winning more than 50%, which are in the early deals stages. Select the appropriate filters (we discussed filtering in detail here): Probability values 50 – 100, Status with the Open value

  4. Then press Save filters button.

  5. There will be an additional field. Type the name for the filter set. You can also select the option to mark this set accessible to all your employees. At the end, press Save.

  6. A new set of filters will appear on the list on the left. Every time you want to use it, just press on it and Livespace will automatically reorganize your list according to saved criteria.

    In this way you can also filter the statistics based on your own filters, memorized on the list of deals.

    Worth knowing:

    If you want to clear all applied filters, just click Erase button, which is placed next to the Filter button

List operations

Livespace offers you to carry out mass changes across multiple list elements by List operations option. Every list, regardless of whether it is a list of tasks, contacts, deals or spaces, supports the List operations option, however, the types of operations you can perform are different for each of them.

Types of available list operations

In Livespace you can find the following List operations:

On the lists in the Contacts section:

  • Select all marks or unmarks all the contacts on the list.

  • Remove move all the marked contacts to the Removed list.

  • Restore removed elements to undo the process of removing contacts.

  • Add to group – add multiple contacts to a specific group.

  • Add tags – allows to tag marked contacts.

  • Merge – merge selected contacts (most often these are duplicates) into one contact.

  • Create deals – creates deal processes associated with selected contacts.

  • Change owner – allows to mass change the user who owns selected contacts.

  • Add tasks from template – add task, to remember to call/email or meet with a client.

  • Add tags to ties – assigns tags to specific ties.

  • Edit additional field – allows editing additional fields in multiple contacts at once.

On the list in the Tasks tab:

  • Select all – selects or deselects all the tasks on the list.

  • Mark as done– allows the mass mark the tasks that have been completed.

  • Mark as undone – useful when you want to mark a lot of unexecuted tasks.

  • Change the person responsible – change a person responsible for the task.

  • Remove – permanently removes selected task.

On the list in the Deals tab:

  • Select all – selects or deselects all deals on the list.

  • Remove – move marked deal processes to the Removed list.

  • Restore removed elements – restores the deals moved to Removed.

  • Add Tags – allows tagging many tasks simultaneously.

  • Add tags to companies – allows to tag companies that are mentioned in the selected deal processes from the deal’s list level.

  • Grant access – gives you the opportunity to share many deals with selected employees.

  • Change status – mass changes the deal status (for example Open to Won).

  • Change owner – lets you assign a new owner to selected deals.

  • Add tasks from a template – add a task, to remember to call/email or meet a client connected with this deal.

  • Add tags to ties – assigns tags to specific relations.

  • Edit additional field – allows editing additional fields in multiple deals at once.

On the list in the Finances section:

  • Select all – selects or deselects all processes on the list.

  • Remove – permanently removes the selected processes.

On the list in the Spaces tab:

  • Select all – selects or deselects all spaces on the list.

  • Remove – allows you to delete selected spaces.

  • Restore removed elements – moves the removed spaces from the Removed list to the main list of spaces.

  • Add tags – allows tagging many spaces simultaneously.

  • Grant access – gives you the ability to give access to many spaces for the selected employees of the company.

  • Add tags to ties – assigns tags to specific relations.

  • Edit additional field – allows editing additional fields in multiple spaces at once.

Worth knowing:

Don’t see some operations concerning ties or additional fields? It might mean that ties were not set up or additional fields weren’t added.

Performing List operations

If you need to make massive changes to a number of elements, for example – on the list of people in the Contacts tab:

  1. Go to the list.

  2. Select the option List operations from the list header.

  3. There will be operations available for the given list.

  4. If you want to select all items, click checkbox next to Select

  5. If you want to select specific items, check the checkbox next to the chosen contacts.

  6. Choose the operation you want to perform, for example Remove.

  7. Livespace will ask you to confirm the operation.

  8. You will receive a confirmation of changes made.


In a similar way, you can perform the other list operations on every list available in Livespace.

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